The Man in The High Castle; Improbable Scenario
The Man in the High Castle, Plausibility
Underground Airlines: Improbability
Underground Airlines: A Dangerous Future
Atomik Aztex Counterfactual
Atomik Aztex

Underground Airlines: A Dangerous Future

“Underground Airlines” was a brutal story of moral dilemma, and I believe it was a fantastic depiction of actions for the greater good. Although reading through all of it some thoughts of possibility seemed frightening to me. One major aspect of that fear was when cloning was introduced, and that brought in the idea that the government would be able to put a law in to control and enslave any of the clones. Because there have been laws that gave men a horrible hold over others, the Fugitive Slave Laws of 1793 and 1850 showed that. After reading over these on Fugitive Slave Acts (, It was terrible to think about how our government has done something similar in the past, and I honestly believe that if they had the chance could possibly do again. Especially if that scenario of slavery surviving past the 1900s ever occurred. Although if it were to happen now I would not be surprised if they treated those who were cloned as less than human, since they are not “natural”. Even excluding the main issues of the controversial topic of cloning, just seeing that possibility of horrible intimidation along with inhumane torture and treatment were horrible to have to imagine.

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